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Digital Final Clock

Updated: Mar 29, 2020


Connecting to the idea of relaxation from my E&E mapping project 'my time', here I have come up with a concept that revolves around the idea of dreams, calmness and natural elements to predict the time. The clock face is made up of a combination of a dreamcatcher web merged with 3 pendulums, visulising a moving wind charm, that both spin continuously on a loop. My clock is almost hypnotising since its aim is to create a sense of tranquility, letting the viewer escape from their busy day-to-day life. Unfortunately, I was not able to link up my p5 file with a weather data API file and therefore it does not relay on live wind currents to swing the pendulums but if possible I would like to develop this process in the future. Personally I am not proud of my outcome because it does not reflect my skill level of coding since in the end I created a GIF using vectors made on Illustrator and converting them into a frame animation using a timeline on Photoshop. I should have used my time more wisely and practiced more JavaScript exercises before developing my Dreamcatcher idea. I hope to develop my coding knowledge in my own time and start over with more simple ideas in hopes of re-creating my Dreamcoder clock to one which functions better, meeting my aim since my current one doesn't use many functions in JavaScript.

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