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Week One



Who are my (Keepers) audience?

What do they need?

Initial logo sketches:

To Do:

Research in-depth organisations/competitors

Tesco pet insurance:

very boring webpage

- no pictures of people with their pets, therefore no personal connection.

- just seen as Tesco the brand.

vs. Waggles website:

- displays a stronger brand with a sense of colour theme

header pics change - photos of pets and their owners from different backgrounds/demographics rotate in a reel creating a personal connection that relates to their animal lovers, therefore more appealing. Owner/pet's name changes on each header = creating a personal story. These personal stories sound authentic, trustworthy & inspiring.

User A would prefer to buy Waggles. pet insurance vs Tesco's based on visuals alone, without even reading any in-depth information, suggesting how important a strong personal & impactful identity can be.

Co-branding Idea 💡: Despite lacking in website quality, Tesco promotes its pet insurance across variants such as leaflets which can be picked up from a customer's shopping trip. These same leaflets could be used at Keepers' till where 100% of customers own a pet (are in the targeted market) = more people likely to be interested/buy Teso pet insurance.

Same principle can be applied to other products, e/g fancy dog collars handmade by a local artist.

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