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E+E Human Algorithm

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

For today's task in experience & experience we each created an algorithm "program" to test on humans using the "if" and "else" coding language. This task helped train our brains into code and rulemaking which may later play a big part in the development of our tools. We tested our algorithms on each other in pairs and recorded the programs via video on Whatsapp. 

At first, I was very stuck with coming up with a fun yet original task for my partner to try out and therefore failed to create 10 detailed steps in 30 minutes but still managed to create a lot of small "if" tasks. I also misunderstood the idea of steps and instead wrote down a series of rules in no particular order. Personally I don't this specifically matters because if I were to apply this technique to my prototype later on rules may be more suitable.  My ideas generation has lacked significantly since the start of this project. I need to fix this by gathering more research and knowledge on subjects relating to my topic as well as looking at the work of artists that I look up to because this could help with my creative thought process.

How it relates to my project: 

From this task, I learned the values that chances (and the chances/possibilities that chances have!) because since my steps require the passing people without a disadvantage "else" scenario my algorithm ran short and did not fill up the delegated time of 30 minutes despite there being a lot to complete when reading through my steps. Therefore when my partner failed to pass by more than 5 people on the bridge on the staircase my rules did not apply and we went ahead with the following steps. When applying similar instructions to my prototypes I will make sure to include alternatives in preparation for an "else" case. Even though my steps.


1) If time = after 10:30. then hop out of the room on your left leg and turn right else lunge out of the room and turn left 2) If an exit is found skip continuously until you come out of the exit else skip in circles until you find the exit/exit is clear. 3) Go up the stairs if no one passes you on the bridge. Else go down the staircase if you pass 5 people on the bridge. If you are on the top floor and no one passes you on the bridge, continue walking back and forth along the bridge until you pass 5 people. 4) If you pass 4 people while walking up or down the staircase you must go back up and down and start again. Else continue walking up or down till you reach the next floor. 5) Every 5 minutes if you make eye contact with someone you must make conversation with them for 10 seconds. Else make conservation with a material object, eg the floor. 6) If you pass anyone with pink hair then pretend to be a mime on the spot for 10 seconds. Else don't mime. 7) If you bump into someone twirl and make jazz hands 8) If you pass through an exit/entrance turn around and walk backwards out the exit for 5 seconds. If this is not possible put your hands in the air while doing so. 9) If you trip sit on the floor and laugh for 10 seconds. 10) If possible repeat these steps until you exit the building. Else repeat until time is up.

If time 1300 return to the classroom


When completing my partner's algorithm program I felt very self-conscious about the way I would have to act publicly when controlled by someone via an algorithm. I felt like an object being told what to do by an operating system. This wasn't a very pleasant feeling but it defiantly boosted my confidence in trying tasks out of my comfort zone – something that is necessary to this platform. Despite this aspect, I overall had fun with my partner and it was a valuable experience to bond with classmates! 

I enjoyed the exercise despite feeling wary in the beginning because it tested my abilities to communicate and explain in a conceive way- defiantly a skill that needs improving.

Feedback FOR my partner:

  • Really fun and a lot to do

  • Very interactive and very engaging 

  • Could have filled up the time

Feedback FROM my partner:

  • Really fun and a lot to do just that because there was the probability that some of the tasks would not happen was high. 

  • The way instructions are written were confusing, especially tasks that were done all together e.g the ones involving the awareness of how many people passed by. 

Include video, photoshoot pics & WhatsApp screen recording

The week prior to this workshop as a class we took part in a mindful 'silent walk'

This leads me to think of endless possibilities...

- What would happen if the leader went in the lift?

- ....went into a studio?

- went into gender-specific bathroom?

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